My working method while photographing a wedding is deliberately documentary: observe a scene—its action, subjects, background—compose, make some frames, wait, make more, repeat. A wedding has many ‘peak’ moments, but I’ve always found more interest and joy in making photographs of ‘in-between’ moments, when (seemingly) nothing of importance is occurring. But catching an expression, a glance, a gesture—these are the moments I seek.
Because a wedding day’s activities are ordered by a schedule, however, my ability to enter deeply into such a practice is limited. Furthermore, such photographs are usually relegated to the genre of ‘street’ photography (in quotes because Garry Winogrand despised the term). But this wedding, as I discovered during the editing process, was full of these moments. Some I saw as I made them; others were a surprise seen later. They comprised a large enough set to be given their own space and are presented below. They are truly some of my favorites of the day.