
portraits from TEDxAmoskeagMillyard 2013: the presenters

Continuing yesterday's post: these presenters (the host, speakers, and artists) excelled in their respective tasks. I didn't want to ask them for a portrait prior to being on stage: some were clearly (and understandably) nervous, so being relaxed and open to a portrait would have been difficult or even impossible. The one exception to this was the host Virginia Prescott: being a host for NHPR, I knew she'd be comfortable on stage; and she'd be occupied all day, so she became one of my first subjects.

I'm grateful to everyone who agreed to sit for me during a full and hectic schedule. The entire experience of the TEDx conference—the people, the presentations, the portraits—made for an unforgettable day.

The full set of portraits is also available on my website.

Virginia Prescott, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Victoria Arlen, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Aaron Tolson, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Dick Anagnost, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Dr. Felix Warneken, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Elaine Hamel, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Sy Montgomery, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Heather & Shaunna Murphy, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Kusum Ailawadi, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Pete Worrell, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Meryl Levin, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Randolph Langenbach, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Dan Habib, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Elizabeth Resnick, 2013.

Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

portraits from TEDxAmoskeagMillyard 2013: the team

When I photographed the 2013 TEDxAmoskeagMillyard conference, I had realized the night prior what a wonderful opportunity I had to create portraits of the volunteer speakers, performers, and organizers. So decided at the last minute to bring a small portable studio to the event, find a few square feet of space, and work like mad to cover the event and to spend just a few precious minutes tracking down each of them, explaining the idea, and making a few frames.

Here are some of superb teamwho worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that the day was seamless. Tomorrow I'll post the presenters.

Roseangela McCann, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Bob Batcheler, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Kira Morehouse, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Kristian Gustafson, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Jillian Adams, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Harry Umen, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.
Gabbi Hall, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.

Eric Ratinoff, 2013.
Photograph by Matthew Lomanno.


Shakespeare's "Macbeth" by theatre kapow

As if Shakespeare weren't difficult enough to perform, theatre kapow has throw down the gauntlet (or perhaps the dagger?): their current production of Macbeth employs only three actors. Of course, this trio, along with minimal yet multi-functional sets and costumes, are more than capable to handle the dramatic tasks.

The performance schedule, which includes one on Halloween at midnight, is intense and tight. Do not hesitate.

album cover for En Route's debut

Brother and sister folk duo Jon and Alana Babineau of En Route came to the studio a couple months ago to photograph the cover of their debut album. These two have a maturity and sound beyond their years. We had a great session, and, this being also my first album cover, I'm very pleased the results.

Their album release party is tonight at Amoskeag Studio.

Cristina Staltare, artist

Cristina Staltare, April 2014.
I discovered Cristina and her paintings through her senior thesis exhibition, Nature in Passing, at Saint Anselm College last year. Her small, intimate works invite the viewer to approach and linger in her landscapes.

Her paintings will be on display at Amoskeag Studio for the coming weeks, with the opening held on April 26 in conjunction with a performance by the Brad Myrick Quintet, celebrating the release of their album, Halogen.

Beth Ann O'Hara for New Hampshire Magazine

Beth Ann O'Hara, March 2014.
I was assigned to photograph Beth Ann as part of New Hampshire Magazine's "Remarkable Women 2014: Game Changers" article. While known for her theater work, I was more intrigued by a passing reference to her being McGovern's photographer during the NH component of his presidential run. I asked her about this when I visited her, and she revealed that he had invited her to continue with him throughout his national campaign. Her family obligations, however, led her to decline this offer.

I asked whether she had those photographs at hand, but after a search, she couldn't locate them. We promised each other another visit to explore them and discuss this part of state and national history from one who witnessed it in a way few others did.

The above unpublished photograph from our session shows her intricate needlepoint art hanging on the wall. They depict the four seasons.

Lauren Karjala, artist

Lauren Karjala, 2012.

I met Lauren a few years ago through her family (her father is a photographer). I was beginning to actively photograph artists in their studios, so I asked to visit her. At that time, she was living and working in the basement of her grandmother's condo, which had been transformed by her figure paintings, drawings, and sketches of all sizes.

Towards the end of our visit, I realized that, during our conversations, she had been sketching me. Before we parted, she wiped it away.

Lauren's senior exhibit opens at the University of New Hampshire's Museum of Art on Friday.

Andrew Sterling in Mill Pond Music Studio

Last year, producer Joe Deleault invited me into the recording studio to photograph Andrew Sterling as he finished his album. We spent a few hours in Jim Prendergast's Mill Pond Music Studio in Portsmouth, NH, reviewing previous results, recording a few more tracks, and watching Andrew and Jim work. The environment was relaxed yet technically precise, and everyone ended the day pleased with the results.

a cover for Parable Magazine

Claire Aucoin had been a person of interest for Parable Magazine's editors for some time, but her work in Colombia kept the New Hampshire native far from her home. So when she was here briefly last summer, author Gary Bouchard and I visited her together for an interview and some portraits. As she related her personal history and awe-inspiring work for Colombia's poorest at a nearby church, Gary and I both realized that hers was a much larger story than initially thought.

Knowing that I may not have access to her again, we asked to see her family farm, where many of her siblings still reside and work. Knowing this would very likely become a cover story, I made portraits in multiple locations there. The resulting article and photographs were just published.


Littles and Bigs

On an early December morning, I photographed a fundraising event for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Manchester. Part of my task was to create portraits of the Littles (in their lingo) with his or her respective Big. Given the hundreds of supporters waiting in the next room, our time was limited, but I hope the portraits reflect the ease and comfort of these special relationships.

March for Life: Mass II

Washington, DC, 2013.
Washington, DC, 2013.

As mentioned in yesterday's post, a Mass is said at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception the night before the March for Life. The Mass is televised throughout the side and lower chapels, where many have camped for hours just to claim a space.

My photo essay about the March is published on